The kickoff is now over, and school starts for real. Associations all over campus are now looking for new people to put on their boards, positions and find new members. Some associations also have tryout weeks where you can try and see if that is an association for you. Here you have recruitment/tryout information for some of the many associations JU has to offer, but make sure to check them out on their Instagram for more information.
FUF Jönköping – @fufjonkoping
They are having a digital information meeting on Zoom, 9th of September 14:00 for everyone interested in what they are doing and if you want to become a member.
Hype – Advertising Agency – @hype_ju
Are you their next Project Manager, Copywriter, Social Media Manager, Art Director, Photographer & Videographer?
Deadline for application: 12th of September.
JSA Investment Club – @jsainvestmentclub
They are now looking for Vice President, Head of Capital Management, Portfolio Manager, Head of Sponsors and Relations, Head of Events, Head of Education, and Marketing Team.
Deadline for application: 13th of September.
JSA Ball Committee – @ballcommitteejsa
This association is looking for a Graphic Designer, Event team, Sponsor team and Marketing team.
Deadline for application: 13th of September.
JIBS United Magazine – @jibs.united.magazine
Are you their next Project Manager, Marketing Manager, Writer, Designer, Marketing, or Proofreader?
Deadline for application: 13th of September.
JUSA – Jönköping University Sport Association – @jusacampus
Free weeks between 6th of September to 19th of September where you get the opportunity to try the different sports they have to offer before deciding if you want to become a member or not.
They are also recruiting coaches and looking for Head of Marketing + Treasurer.
Deadline for application: 15th of September.

Showtime Jönköping – @showtimejonkoping
This week they have open days for everyone interested in dance, theater, or music. They are also looking for a Dance Studio Leader, Music Team Leader, Acting Group Leader, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, President, Marketing Manager, Show Coordinator, Board Member, Backstage Coordinator, and Event Manager.
Deadline for application: 9th of September.

Nextstep – @nextstepjsa
They are looking for people to join their Event team, Sponsor team, Logistics team, Company team, and Marketing team.
Deadline for application: 13th of September.
Spring Inspiration – @springinspiration
They are looking for people to join their Design team, Event team, Model team, Media team, Sponsor team, and Marketing team.
Deadline for application: 13th of September.
Jubel – @jubelstudentpub
Jubel is now looking for new people to join their crew + a Vice President.
Deadline for application: 12th of September.
S.U.S.H.I – @sushi.halso
They are looking for new people to join their crew.
Deadline for application: 19th of September.

Also, we are recruiting. Are you our next Writer, Graphic Designer, Photographer, Co-Editor in Chief or interested in joining our Marketing or Advertising team? Send us an email at and tell us about yourself, why you would like to join EDIT, which role/roles you are applying for, and your experience in the field.
Deadline for application: 13th of September