February 2021, almost a year ago the world as we knew it changed completely. The…
An (almost) Covid Free Continent
At the time of writing, Australia has only 54 active cases of Covid-19 within her…
SmåLit samlar litteraturintresserade från hela landet
Den 3–6 februari är det dags för årets upplaga av SmåLit, Smålands litteraturfestival. I år…
Are You Feeling Diasporic?
The word diaspora comes from the Greek roots of ‘across’ and ‘scatter’. With our societies…
HHJ-student Paniz Yousefi is one of the finalists at Idrottsgalan
Paniz Yousefi, student at the orthopedic engineers programme at School of health and welfare, is…
Spring Kick Off 2021 – rethink, unpredictable and a once-in-a-life-time opportunity
This year the Spring Kick Off will be digital. During three evenings next week, Monday,…
Hopeful new year
Happy new year, they say. But what if it won’t be a happy one? It’s…
Bry dig med Radio K
Det är december i Sverige mitt under en pandemi. Ute börjar det mörkna redan klockan…
Showtime Unmasked – a digital Christmas show
December 11th, Showtime released Showtime Unmasked, a digital Christmas show. Through the actors recording their…
Branschen som alltid verkar behöva förklara att de behövs
Coronapandemin har slagit hårt mot kulturbranschen. Teatrar står tomma, kulturarbetare blir tvungna att skola om…
Att skapa medvind både i studierna och i idrotten
För seglaren Malin Tengström har segling alltid varit en stor del av hennes liv. Från…
JUSA – getJUmoving will continue through December
On the 9th November, JUSA launched getJUmoving, a group at Strava where both students and…